When I leave my “sandwiched between I-95 and U.S. 1” Condo the path of least resistance is to turn left and head up the rolling terrain of Brushy Hill Road northward toward North Branford. After I initially go beyond the Cedar Street exit and entrance to I-95 the sidewalk is lots of uphill. It leads to past a school and a park (where I do four loops around the soccer/baseball fields), and then continue north hazarding one crosswalk where the sidewalk moves from west side to east. Once on the east side I continue north until – the sidewalk ends.
At that point a decision must be made: stop and turn around for the return trip or continue north at a point where the road has very little shoulder, gets curvy and hilly and is frequented by vehicles travelling a bit faster than the 30-mile speed limit. Turning around is safe, known and provides sure footing. Continuing on involves risk and challenge. Today I needed to get in slightly more than 1/10 of a mile to hit my three-mile mark. So, I decided to forge ahead. I discovered a side street, a beautiful bed of the largest marigolds, and was greeted by a friendly elderly woman sitting in the shade of her porch (recalling my earlier meditation about air conditioning!)
I also discovered that most of the walk is treacherous and perilous for walking. So, every day I will have to choose – safety and familiarity or plunging ahead into the risky, less familiar. Ah, choices!
As my short time here at North Guilford concludes and I set sight on the place where my sidewalk of fulltime ministry ended I wrestle with the challenge -- stay put or push onward.
Who knows what I will do but pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, my attentiveness to it, and the courage to take the correct steps.